FoodWIse Nutrition Education

FoodWIse Nutrition Education

Welcome to the Crawford/Richland/Vernon FoodWIse Page


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picture of person getting food at pantry

Support Healthy Choices and Lives

We aim to work alongside community partners to advance healthy eating habits, active lifestyles, and healthy community environments for families with limited incomes.  We utilize evidence-based strategies with two approaches: Direct Education Policy, System, and Environment Changes & Social Marketing FoodWIse Programs and Curriculum We Teach and Help Implement

Stretch My Food Dollars

When you need help and don’t know where to turn, 211 is your one-stop connection to the local services you need, like utility assistance, housing, food, elder care, crisis intervention, alcohol and other drug recovery and much more. What to expect if you are in need, and accessing a food pantry for the first time: […]

Keep My Food Safe

Eat Healthier

About Us:

We work to expose students to new, nutritious foods and teach why they are important. We provide adults and families with tools that help them plan and prepare healthy meals while making the most with their food dollars.  We also work to help make the healthy choice, the easy choice in our community.  Click on the link below to learn more about local programming and resources, for info on FoodWIse and the team please read on.

Who We Are

We are educators who use a combination of evidence-based educational strategies, accompanied by environmental supports, designed to encourage healthy food choices and active lifestyles.  Our project works with the residents and community agencies and partners in Crawford, Richland, and Vernon Counties.  The location to contact FoodWIse Staff will vary depending on programming.

Picture of Monica Diaz, Bilingual FoodWIse Educator
Crawford/Richland/Vernon Counties Bilingual FoodWIse Coordinator

Monica Diaz
Home Office: Extension Richland County
1100 US Hwy 14 W
Richland Center, WI 53581
Phone: (608) 647-9116
Fax: (608) 647-9116

Picture of Christine Myhr, FoodWIse Educator
Crawford/Richland/Vernon Counties FoodWIse Educator

Christine Myhr
Home Office: Extension Crawford County
225 N. Beaumont Rd., Suite 240
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
Phone: (608) 326-0223
Fax: (608) 326-0226

Vernon County
FoodWIse Educator

Home Office: Extension Vernon County

What We Do

Here are some things you can expect from our FoodWIse nutrition educators:

  • Our programs can be small or large one-time or multi-session lessons at many different partner sites.
  • We provide partners and participants materials with information on nutrition, recipes, and money saving ideas and tips.  We connect people with research-based information from the USDA (MyPlate), UW-Madison, and other reputable sources.
  • We strive to make all lessons and handouts as accessible and personal as possible.  Getting to know participants and offering translation services is an important priority.  We also understand that we are not always the expert, sometimes our programs provide opportunities for individuals within a community to provide expertise with peers.

Some things we talk about and do are:

  • Demonstrate and identify how to prepare healthful, affordable meals and snacks.
  • Finding balance with the food we eat and  the physical activity we get.
  • How to purchase, prepare, and store food safely.
  • Find ways that individuals and families might be able to make their food dollars go a little further.

Who We Serve

Mom and Child eating healthy food

FoodWIse is federally funded by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and serves Wisconsin residents with limited incomes.

Our program focuses on (but is not limited to) providing free resources and education for:

  • Anyone who is eligible for SNAP (FoodShare, Quest Card), WIC, Wisconsin Works (W2), Social Security & Social Security Disability, or Free & Reduced Lunches.
  • Organizations and schools where at least 50% of their enrollment/population are eligible for the programs listed above.

Why We Do It

We seek to empower Wisconsin residents with limited income to make healthy choices to achieve healthy lives and reduce health disparities.

Image of 2023 report click to access document

2023 WI SNAP-Ed Annual Impact Report

2023 FW SNAP-Ed Annual Impact Report 

FoodWIse Crawford County 2023 Impact Report, click to access

FoodWIse Crawford County 2023 Impact Report

Crawford County Impact FY23

FoodWIse Richland County Impact Report 2023, click to access

FoodWIse Richland County Impact Report 2023

Richland County Impact FY23

FoodWIse Vernon County Impact Report 2023, click to access

FoodWIse Vernon County Impact Report 2023

Vernon Impact FY23

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