Stretch My Food Dollars

When you need help and don’t know where to turn, 211 is your one-stop connection to the local services you need, like utility assistance, housing, food, elder care, crisis intervention, alcohol and other drug recovery and much more.

What to expect if you are in need, and accessing a food pantry for the first time:

Financial Assistance for Groceries

Apply for FoodShare/Solicitar Beneficios de FoodShare

Apply for WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Program/Solicitar Informacion de Programa WIC (Mujeres, Bebés y Niños)

Find out about Free or Reduced Price School Meals / Informacion de Comidas Escolares Gratis o a Precio Reducido

If you are in need of accessing your food pantry and have not before, it may be a little scary. Every pantry is a little different, but this video might help you understand what to expect:

Shopping On a Budget

More Ways to Shop

Tips to Waste Less and Spend Less

Support Extension