Current 4-H Programs, Trips, and Opportunities

Current Trips:

4-H Offers many trips to a variety of ages of youth each year. Youth and families will need to monitor the website and 4HOnline to find when registration opens for specific trips.

Federation 50% Funding Form: Vernon County Parent Leader Federation Funding Application

Upcoming Programming:

Saturday, March 15th: 9:30 AM: Breaking Down A Pig

Work with our Vernon County Extension Agriculture Livestock Agent Beth McIlquham and Joel at Nordik Meats to learn all the steps required to take a full hog carcass and break it down into retail cuts of meat. We have 20 spots available, so first come, first serve. The form will not cut off, so we will email once we’ve filled our slots. We will be working with a real carcass, standing for 1.5 hours in a 50 degree room. There is no limit on age, however, please use your best judgement when registering your youth.

To Register:

April 18th: 6:00-8:00 PM: Woodworking Workshop

Join us for an evening of simple yet exciting woodworking projects. We will have separate tables based on grade level. This program is open to Cloverbud through 13th grade. Snacks will be provided, and parents can drop off and pick up their youth. Youth must wear closed-toed shoes, and if able, bring: safety glasses, masks for sanding, hearing protection. Must register by April 4.

To Register:

May 3rd: 8:00 AM- Noon: Animal Tag Pick Up

All youth that are planning on exhibiting beef, sheep, and swine must come and get fair tages to put in ears on this day. Go to the fairgrounds and committee members will assist you. If you cannot make it at this time, please arrange for someone else to grab your tags that day or call Lloyd Hardy. We will not have tags in the Extension Office. Please refer to the infographic on your paper newsletter about tag placement and submission of photos (deadline May 30th).

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