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Current 4-H Programs, Trips, and Opportunities
Current Trips:
4-H Offers many trips to a variety of ages of youth each year. Youth and families will need to monitor the website and 4HOnline to find when registration opens for specific trips.
Federation 50% Funding Form: Vernon County Parent Leader Federation Funding Application
Upcoming Programming:
Saturday, March 1st: 8:30 AM: Arts Fest
What is Arts Fest? It’s an opportunity for 4-Hers to come together and celebrate the arts, music, and performance. Arts Fest consists of judging youths’ abilities and is broken up into two distinct entries: fair and fest. The Vernon County Fair in September hosts many competitions but it does not host demonstrations, vocals, piano, and instrumental. Those are done during Arts Fest, along with ‘fun’ or ‘fest’ entries: Cloverbuds, artwork, photography, and forensics speaking. This can make the application process a little confusing, so please read the directions carefully when registering. Entries are due back by Friday, January 24th. Arts Fest will be held on March 1st at the Viroqua Church of Christ.
***New this year! We will offer a $100 prize to the best club play entry, $50 to the second place. *** Work together as a club or project (ex. horse project) to plan and perform a play at Arts Fest. The play must include at least 5 members in your club/project
Rules and Additional Information: https://vernon.extension.wisc.edu/files/2023/12/4-H-Arts-Fest-Rules-and-Instructions.pdf
To Register: https://forms.gle/KkqzN4X8QGKdR8S36
Saturday, March 15th: 9:30 AM: Breaking Down A Pig
Work with our Vernon County Extension Agriculture Livestock Agent Beth McIlquham and Joel at Nordik Meats to learn all the steps required to take a full hog carcass and break it down into retail cuts of meat. We have 20 spots available, so first come, first serve. The form will not cut off, so we will email once we’ve filled our slots. We will be working with a real carcass, standing for 1.5 hours in a 50 degree room. There is no limit on age, however, please use your best judgement when registering your youth.
To Register: https://forms.gle/NkpgAXPc8fJpunJq7