Home » Horticulture
Vernon County does not have an educator to provide horticulture information. Individuals needing horticulture information can use the following:
- Visit the UW-Extension Office and review the bulletins, fact sheets, and other printed resources.
- Visit area landscape and garden centers and other businesses.
- Use the Related Horticulture Links below to find more information…
Visit the Wisconsin Horticulture Topic Hub for more information
- UW – Department of Entomology Insect Diagnostic Lab
- UW – Extension Horticultural Publications
- UW – Plant Disease and Diagnostic Clinic
- UW – Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory
- UW – Urban Horticulture
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Wisconsin Master Gardener Program
- USDA Plants Database
- Weed Science Society of America
- Wisconsin Phenological Society
Latest Articles in Wisconsin Horticulture
- Christmas trees offer consumers a chance to bring nature indoors for a few weeks each December. Whether you choose a pre-cut tree available at a local tree lot or garden center or cut your own tree from a farm, you will have several tree species to choose from.
- Learn about the biology and management of three common creeping perennials that can invade lawns and gardens in Wisconsin: Canada thistle, Bishop’s goutweed and creeping bellflower.
- This article provides a list of 10 relatively easy-to-identify plant diseases commonly found in Wisconsin vegetable gardens.
- Silver leaf is a fungal disease that affects a wide range of deciduous trees. It has the biggest impact on fruit trees such as apple, pear and cherry, but can also affect ornamental trees.
- Powdery scab is a potentially serious disease of potatoes that occurs worldwide in regions where potatoes are grown, including Wisconsin. Powdery scab primarily causes cosmetic, unsightly skin blemishes of potato tubers.