Soil Sample Testing

Soil Sampling

Call ahead to the Extension Office and then stop in to check out a soil probe. We will give you soil sample bags to fill with your chosen sample(s). You are responsible for mailing it out.

The links below give you the cost, standard analysis test, optional analysis tests and cost, sampling guidelines, submission sheet, and sample soil test report.  You may pick up a soil test packet which includes the bags at the Vernon County Extension office. Test results will be mailed or emailed directly to you.  Postage cost is $10.20 for a USPS small flat rate box which holds up to 2 bags.

Our Office Hours are: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. Our Office Phone is: 608-637-5276

If you would like more detailed information, please visit UW Soil and Forage Lab.

General Instructions:

  1. From each area to be sampled – remove any overlying mulch, compost or sod. Soil samples should be collected from the top 5-7 inches of soil. Collect approximately one cup of soil (total) with a clean trowel or shovel from four random locations (all in the area you want sampled), or ten random locations if you are using a soil probe – which you can borrow from the Extension Office.
  2. Place these four or ten soil samples collected from your area you want tested into a clean plastic container and mix them together thoroughly. Samples from different areas should not be mixed together. Remember, the sample should only contain soil and no organic matter (you want to test the soil, not the mulch or sod).
  3. Soil from each area you want analyzed should be placed in a heavy-duty plastic or soil sample bag for analysis. (You can get the soil sample bags at the Extension Office).
  4. We have copies of the Submission Forms in our office for you to fill out, otherwise you can print them off and fill them out yourself.
  5. Bring your samples (and submission form if you printed it off at home) to the Extension Office and we will take your payment (prices listed below)
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