

The Extension Livestock Program provides timely resources and information to help farmers, consumers and allied industry to make informed decisions about beef cattle, poultry, sheep and goats, equine, swine, and meat science using research-based information. There are also resources for youth caring for livestock.

Livestock Educators work to:

  • Collaborate with producers to identify needs and deliver research-based solutions to help them meet their goals
  • Develop/maintain specific expertise related to livestock production/management
  • Build trust-based relationships with various stakeholder groups

We work with:

  • Partner agencies
  • Campus departments
  • Species-specific organizations

Visit the Livestock Topic Hub for more information.

Latest News in Livestock


Regional Livestock Educator, Beth McIlquham

Serving Crawford, La Crosse, Richland, and Vernon Counties
Contact: 608-632-0599

Beth McIlquham serves as Regional Livestock Educator to Crawford, La Crosse, Richland, and Vernon Counties. She works with livestock/dairy producers and agribusiness professionals to solve production challenges and incorporate new research findings into outreach/educational materials to improve production, profitability, and efficiency.

She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science with an emphasis on meat animals. Previously, she worked for Extension as educational support for Pierce County’s 4-H program, as well as with the Humane Handling Institute. At Pierce County, she built valuable relationships with families and volunteers in addition to executing various programs. Within the Humane Handling Institute, she assisted in putting on workshops for slaughterhouse employees. There, she had the opportunity to learn about humane handling techniques within cattle, swine, goats, and sheep, as well as the importance of captive bolt maintenance.

Beth’s main focus is on beef cattle production. She is grateful to be a part of the team here in Crawford, La Crosse, Richland, and Vernon counties and looks forward to meeting livestock industry players in the area.

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